I can't get to my article in PubMed.

Make sure to access PubMed from a library webpage so you will see the Find @ UNC button for each article. Here is more information about the Find @ UNC button in PubMed.

Another way to find out if a journal is available from the Health Sciences Library or in another campus library is to check the campus libraries catalog. Change the "Search for words" drop down option to "in Journal Title". Use the complete title, not abbreviations. Translate PubMed abbreviations into complete titles here. There are usually separate records for the print and the electronic versions of a journal title, so look closely at your results.

If UNC does not have access to your article, you can use the Find@UNC button to Request it from another library via Interlibrary Loan.  Just scroll down to Step 2 on the page that says the article is not available and click the link.  You'll need to register the first time, but if you click the Find@UNC button again, you can get the article request form filled out automatically.  You'll get an email in 2-3 days that the article is ready to download.


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