If I can't find a copy of the full article in the UNC database and it's not available on Google Scholar, where else can I look?

Don't despair! We can usually get any article you need within a few days.

When you check the Find @ UNC link from a database and there is no online access to the article you need, scroll down to the options at the bottom of the page. There is an option to search the UNC Libraries Catalog by title. This will let you know if we have print access to the journal you need. If we have the print journal you can come to the library to copy or scan it yourself (best option if you need it right away), or you can request that we scan it for you by using the link to send a request via Interlibrary Loan. If campus libraries don't own the journal, use the Interlibrary Loan option to request it from another library.



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