I'm wondering if there are any online books, journals (especially medical) available through the library for the Kindle.


First, some of the e-books and journals can be read by your Kindle web browser, for example Clinical Key. These are ones that are displayed in basic web format and do not require a specific reader.

Kindles produced after November 2009 have native support of PDF files.

Most online medical journals have their articles in PDF format so you should be able to read individual articles on your Kindle.

Clinical Key book chapters can be viewed/saved in PDF format. Ebscohost books allow you to email a PDF of 20 pages at a time. Ebrary books give you the option to download chapters as a PDF after you create a user name and password and login.

Springer books present chapters as PDF files. UNC-CH includes Springer E-books (many on medical topics) in the library catalog.

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