Can someone help me perform a systematic review?

Yes! HSL librarians are trained to assist with and teach the Systematic Review process.

Students can use our Ask Us request form to ask questions about search term development, databases, screening, and other systematic review assignment topics.

Librarian involvement in systematic reviews for publication is based on two levels. In Tier 1, the librarian will collaborate with researchers in a consultative manner. In Tier 2, the librarian will be an active member of your research team and co-author on your review. Roles and expectations of librarians vary based on the level of involvement desired. Examples of these differences are outlined in the table below.

Role Tasks Tier 1: Consultative Tier 2: Research Partner / Co-author
Topic Development Guidance on process and steps Yes Yes
  Background searching for past and upcoming reviews Yes Yes
Development of Eligibility Criteria Development and/or refinement of review topic Yes Yes
  Assistance with refinement of PICO (population, intervention(s), comparator(s), and key questions Yes Yes
  Guidance on study types to include Yes Yes
Protocol Creation and Registration Guidance on protocol registration Yes Yes
Searching Identification of databases for searches Yes Yes
  Instruction in search techniques and methods Yes Yes
  Training in citation management software use for managing and sharing results Yes Yes
  Development and execution of searches No Yes
  Downloading search results to citation management software and removing duplicates No Yes
  Documentation of search strategies No Yes
  Management of search results No Yes
Study Selection and Extraction Guidance on methods Yes Yes
  Guidance on data extraction, and management techniques and software Yes Yes
Writing and Publishing Suggestions of journals to target for publication Yes Yes
  Drafting of literature search description in "Methods" section No Yes
  Creation of PRISMA diagram No Yes
  Drafting of literature search appendix No Yes
  Review other manuscript sections and final draft No Yes
  Librarian contributions warrant co-authorship No Yes

To request a librarian consultation or collaboration on your review, use our Systematic or Scoping Review Request Form.

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