How do I deduplicate in Endnote?

To remove duplicate references in Endnote:

1. In the Groups panel in the left column, click on a particular group, or click on  "All References" to display all the references in your library.

Endnote library displaying a list of groups with the "All References" group selected

2. From the menu bar, select References > Find Duplicates

Endnote library with the "References" tab selected and the "Find Duplicates" button selected

3. If you have duplicate references in your library, the Find Duplicates dialog box will appear.  For each set of duplicates, you have the following options:

  • Click Keep This Record to save the preferred reference and discard the other in the trash.
  • Click Skip to leave both references in the library. The references will be placed in a temporary Duplicate References group for later review.
  • Click Cancel to see the entire list of potential duplicate articles at once.

"Find duplicates" screen in Endnote showing two references as duplicates with the keep or skip button highlighted


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