How do I document database searches on my PRISMA flow diagram?

This answer documents one step of the PRISMA flow diagram. For the entire process, visit our FAQ "How do I complete a PRISMA flow diagram?"

PRISMA Diagram: Searching

Step 2: Doing the Database Search Run the search for each
database individually, including ALL your search terms, any
MeSH or other subject headings, truncation (like hemipleg*),
and/or wildcards (like sul?ur). Apply all your limits (such as
years of search, English language only, and so on). Once all
search terms have been combined and you have applied all
relevant limits, you should have a final number of records or
articles for each database. Enter this information in the top
left box of the PRISMA flow chart. You should add the total
number of combined results from all databases (including
duplicates) after the equal sign where it says Databases (n=).
Many researchers also add notations in the box for the number
of results from each database search, for example, Pubmed
(n=335), Embase (n= 600), and so on.  If you search trial
registers, such as, CENTRAL, ICTRP, or others,
you should enter that number after the equal sign in Registers (n=).

NOTE:Some citation managers automatically remove duplicates
with each file you import.  Be sure to capture the number of articles
from your database searches before any duplicates are removed.

Records identified from databases and registers

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