How do I document title/abstract and full text screening on my PRISMA flow diagram?

This answer documents one part of the PRISMA flow diagram. For the entire process, visit our FAQ "How do I complete a PRISMA flow diagram?"

PRISMA Diagram: Screening
Step 4: Records Screened- Title/Abstract Screening The next step
is to add the number of articles that you will screen. This should be
the number of records identified minus the number from the duplicates
removed box.
Records screened
Step 5: Records Excluded- Title/Abstract Screening You will need to
screen the titles and abstracts for articles which are relevant to your
research question. Any articles that appear to help you provide an
answer to your research question should be included. Record the
number of articles excluded through title/abstract screening in the box
to the right titled "Records excluded."  You can optionally add exclusion
reasons at this level, but they are not required until full text screening.
Records excluded
Step 6: Reports Sought for Retrieval This is the number of articles
you obtain in preparation for full text screening.  Subtract the number
of excluded records (Step 5) from the total number screened (Step 4)
and this will be your number sought for retrieval.
Reports sought for retrieval
Step 7: Reports Not Retrieved List the number of articles for which
you are unable to find the full text.  Remember to use Find@UNC
and Interlibrary Loan to request articles to see if we can order them
from other libraries before automatically excluding them.
Reports not retrieved
Step 8: Reports Assessed for Eligibility- Full Text Screening  This
should be the number of reports sought for retrieval (Step 6) minus
the number of reports not retrieved (Step 7). Review the full text for
these articles to assess their eligibility for inclusion in your systematic
Reports assessed for eligibility
Step 9: Reports Excluded After reviewing all articles in the full-text
screening stage for eligibility, enter the total number of articles you
exclude in the box titled "Reports excluded," and then list your reasons
for excluding the articles as well as the number of records excluded
for each reason.  Examples include wrong setting, wrong patient
population, wrong intervention, wrong dosage, etc.  You should only
count an excluded article once in your list even if if meets multiple
exclusion criteria.
Reports excluded, with reasons, and the number of articles per reason

Step 10: Included Studies The final step is to subtract the number
of records excluded during the eligibility review of full-texts (Step 9)
from the total number of articles reviewed for eligibility (Step 8). Enter
this number in the box labeled "Studies included in review,"
combining numbers with your grey literature search results in this
box if needed.  You have now completed your PRISMA flow diagram,
unless you have also performed searches in non-database sources.

Number of studies included in review, number of reports of included studies

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